Queer porn also successfully established itself in the digital age. With the new possibilities of directly reaching the consumer without intermediaries, it managed to establish itself on the market, also economically. Early queer porn showed a rather rough aesthetic, also negating the conventions of traditional filmmaking as well as those of more glossy productions like Fem Porn, whilst also being noncommercial endeavors. In recent years more and more highly-produced examples are found, like the works of Goodyn Green for instance, and more and more also work on pay models. One thing they all have in common is that they follow certain production ethics like transparency and fair pay, but also focus on diversifying standards of beauty, roles of gender and desire in the representation.
A famous example is The Crashpad Series by Pink&White Productions by Shine Louise Houston and Jizz Lee.
Focused on experimenting with the modes of production and the styles more radically than Fem Porn or Queer Porn is Arthouse Porn.