
Netporn, xHamster, Internet PornPeople usually refer to Netporn when they talk about porn on the internet. More precisely Netporn defines porn which’s origin is connected to the digital age, which could or would not have been produced otherwise. It includes most productions of the last two decades. The ongoing success of Amateur Porn but also the explosion of porn being shot from a POV-perspective (Point-of-view) has left its mark.

Along with it came YouTube like sites, like YouPorn, PornHub or xHamster, where users upload their own material. It usually shows a lot of free previews from professional sites, which works as promotional material or as incentives to buy their material, but there is pirated material as well. Subgenres of Netporn which’s success is most probably dependent on the development of digital modes of production and the internet as a decentralized possibility of distribution are Gonzo Porn, Fem Porn or Queer Porn.