Arthouse Porn is not a typical Netporn Genre to be precise. It already came up in the early 90s. It was a rather glossy counterpart to the majority of amateur productions. Whilst the aesthetics were later picked up by Fem Porn producers, the Arthouse Porn of the 90s was rather a boys club, a kind of pornographic film version of Playboy. Examples would be the works of Andrew Blake or Michael Ninn. They used special lighting, rhythmic or arhythmic montage, or a black and white look. The label „PornChic“ also came up with early Arthouse Porn.
It was recently picked up again, after having almost disappeared by the end of the last century. The newer version works in the context of Fem Porn and Queer Porn, but it shows much more of a focus on more radical experiments with modes of expression. One example is Arthouse Vienna. Here’s a teaser for their production „Blind Date“: